Metal & Special Metal Roofing

More roofing picks for First Choice Constructors are metal roofing and special metal roofing. Metal roofing is more durable, long-lasting, energy efficient, and weighs less than other roofing materials, like asphalt shingle roofing, so it puts less strain on your home’s overall structure.

Metal roofing is more prone to developing rust than shingle roofing, but will generally last much longer.

Metal roofing has a larger color variety available than shingle roofing.

  • Made of interlocking metal panels with concealed fasteners. Considered the “best” metal roofing option, but may be more costly than other roofing options. Being one of the more durable metal roofing options, Standing Seam is estimated to last 50-80 years.

  • Corrugated Metal Roofing is made when metal sheets are formed into metal panels. The panels are then screwed onto the roof with an exposed fastener panel. Usually, Corrugated Metal Roofing is the most affordable metal roofing option. Lasts up to 30-45 years.

  • Most affordable metal roofing option with an exposed fastener system for a quicker installation time than Standing Seam Metal Roofing. However, it’s not as durable as Standing Seam Metal Roofing. With the right maintenance, Tuff-Rib Metal Roofing can last 50-60 years.


Shingle Roofing


Siding Services